©Jenny Harrod 2019

Blog posts : "anaemia"

Oh no. this does not look good.

So, yesterday I spent the whole afternoon talking to the lovely Community OT's who are setting things in motion for me to have some bath aids and leg lifters etc. I need to wait for their stores department to contact me before they come round to install them. I had to go through how my current weakn…

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Shielding (and Lock-down) is coming to an end...

4th June

Telephone consultation with my MS Neurologist. I explained my worsening MS symptoms and how I thought it was a progression of the disease. He agreed up to a point but was more convinced that it was due to my anaemia coming back (remember I had a transfusion last month). My GP had not dow…

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What the hell just happened?

Ah, there you are, you can come out from behind the sofa now as a degree of normality is returning!

March 2020

Since my last blog the world was hit by a pandemic - CORONAVIRUS, or Covid19!

Originating in Wuhan, China this was soon killing thousands of people across the globe and there were…

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The end is in sight but a hurdle to cross first!




So today I saw my Oncologist, who (aside from the fact said I should see a Dentist about my wobbly lower front tooth), at last explained how long my Chemo will go on.

Apparently I should finish at the end of November after a total of Eight Cycles of Chemotherapy, with each Cycle…

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4 blog posts