©Jenny Harrod 2019

Blog posts : "gemcitabine"

The end is in sight but a hurdle to cross first!




So today I saw my Oncologist, who (aside from the fact said I should see a Dentist about my wobbly lower front tooth), at last explained how long my Chemo will go on.

Apparently I should finish at the end of November after a total of Eight Cycles of Chemotherapy, with each Cycle…

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So what is it like having Chemo?

So what does having Chemo actually involve?

I thought this time I would explain the procedure I go through at a Chemotherapy Session. My Chemotherapy regime is based on a 21 day cycle. I have treatments on Day 1 and Day 8 and a Day off on Day 15. The day before each session of Chemo I have to…

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Day 1 Session 2 - last time was just a tester dose.

So, I found out at my latest outpatient's appointment with the Oncologist that my first days Chemotherapy was a low dose to see how my MS would respond and if I could tolerate it. I wish he had told me that before I started it as I thought it was pretty much an easy ride. 

That said, yesterday I…

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3 blog posts