©Jenny Harrod 2019

Blog posts : "insulin"

Well, that's that then-Chemotherapy complete!

So there we are, I survived my sixteen sessions of GemCis Chemotherapy yesterday.

I now have to wait for a CT Scan and appointment to see my Oncologist to see if 'Boris' has shrunk, or, hopefully shrivelled away completely. I won't have this until the new year and hope to feel at least a little …

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Have you though about becoming a Blood Donor?

So I had Chemo yesterday and the girls took bloods for grouping and cross matching prior to my transfusion which is booked for next Tuesday. This will be followed by a blood test on Wednesday and another session of Chemotherapy on Thursday. That will complete my Sixth cycle of Chemo out of a total o…

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The end is in sight but a hurdle to cross first!




So today I saw my Oncologist, who (aside from the fact said I should see a Dentist about my wobbly lower front tooth), at last explained how long my Chemo will go on.

Apparently I should finish at the end of November after a total of Eight Cycles of Chemotherapy, with each Cycle…

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So what is it like having Chemo?

So what does having Chemo actually involve?

I thought this time I would explain the procedure I go through at a Chemotherapy Session. My Chemotherapy regime is based on a 21 day cycle. I have treatments on Day 1 and Day 8 and a Day off on Day 15. The day before each session of Chemo I have to…

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Scanned and awaiting result!

So last week Friday 30th August, I had a CT scan which shouldn't have been a traumatic experience but it was. Not the actual scan itself but the hour long wait before, the jug full of water I had to drink to ensure I had a full bladder, and then the additional half hour wait afterwards before they r…

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Day 1 Session 2 - last time was just a tester dose.

So, I found out at my latest outpatient's appointment with the Oncologist that my first days Chemotherapy was a low dose to see how my MS would respond and if I could tolerate it. I wish he had told me that before I started it as I thought it was pretty much an easy ride. 

That said, yesterday I…

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Days 12 - 16 - Back, Bladder and Blood Sugars!

So here we are in my week off Chemo and days 12 - 16 which have been eventful in a number of ways.

Monday 12th

I spoke to my Senior Diabetes Nurse (Jen now) who, having seen my Blood Sugar results, suggested we should once again concentrate on just having the Lantus insulin at bedtime to get m…

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Taking back some control!

So, yet again I found myself in tears with my lovely Diabetic Practice Nurse, Helen. I have built up a special bond with her since I moved here. I found it very difficult to surrender myself to the role of a patient, having always been the one 'dishing out information and performing Practice Room tr…

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... I shall call it Boris!

This is probably the toughest blog post I have ever had to write, and it has taken a while as I needed to spend some time visiting family and letting them know what's going on.

Some of my Facebook 'Family' have already been following my story to a point and have been very supportive.

As alrea…

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9 blog posts