Well, I was full of good intentions to ring the Community OT but events overtook me.
Firstly, my car 'Caz', wouldn't start. I expect that as she has been sat in the front drive for almost 3 months without moving she felt a bit unloved. Actually, it was simpler than that - a flat battery. But of course this meant that hubby couldn't even open the door with the remote key. I knew there was a blank key which could be used but we had no time as my blood test was at 11.15.
So, Daphne to the rescue! I managed to get in after a fashion and get out using crutches to get into the surgery. Then, it went base over apex to put it politely. I had literally just sat down in the waiting room in their stupid low plastic chairs when I was called. I could not get up. Both legs buckled, as did my legs. Two Nurses couldn't lift me so I had to suggest that maybe they had a wheelchair I could transfer into by sliding across. I managed this and had my blood taken without problem. However, I knew I had a huge mountain to climb to get back into Daphne and then get out t